Four "knitted" Pongs plus a knitted pair. As described previously, "knitting" is the practice of matching numbers in different suits.
(Also called: Crochet)
Triple Knitting as it would be seen in the hand.
Pongs of twos and fives (for "25") in one suit, a Pong of Red Dragons, a Pong of Green Dragons,
and a pair of White Dragons.
1861 in one suit, 1865 in another suit, plus Pongs of North Winds and South Winds.
Civil War as it might look in the hand.
1842 in one suit, 1997 in another suit, plus Pongs of East Winds and West Winds.
Note: This is a new special hand, created just for Shanghai: Dynasty.
Four Kongs of anything plus a pair of anything. Note: Some players require that all four Kongs be in the same suit, but Shanghai: Dynasty isn't quite so strict.